28 May What to Do If Your Wedding Is Postponed Due to COVID-19
With large gatherings restricted, tons of couples are scrambling to reschedule their wedding dates. It’s already a stressful time for many, and planning a wedding is no easy task. You may be upset about the circumstances, but there’s a lot of room for the opportunity given the extra time for planning. Here’s what to do if your wedding is postponed due to COVID-19.
What to Do If Your Wedding Is Postponed Due to COVID-19
Make Peace
As bummed out as you are, remember you are still going to have a wedding, just not on the date you had expected and planned for. While it’s good to let your emotions ride and allow yourself to feel sad for a little bit, don’t dwell on the negatives for too long. Once you come to terms with your unique situation, you’ll feel better and even maybe excited about planning your new wedding date. And hey, it may make a good story for years to come.
Celebrate Your Date
When the original date of your wedding comes around, celebrate! Whether you want to gather up some friends and family for a Zoom party or have a stay-at-home date with your spouse, it’s okay and even encouraged to have a little fun on your original wedding date.
A lot of times, spouses feel rushed or frenzied when booking vendors for their wedding. Now that your wedding is postponed, you have a little more time to reconsider the finer details of your ceremony. Do you love all of your vendors? Is there something you now find unnecessary that you had originally planned for? Now is the time to look back on all of your plans and assess what’s absolutely necessary and what you can definitely do without.
Pick a New Date
It’s time to get the ball rolling, the wedding won’t plan itself. Now that we’re all at home, you probably have some extra time on your hands. Take some time to replan and find the perfect date that you, your spouse, and your vendors all agree on. Try not to stress yourself out too much, and just take it one step at a time.
Contact Your Wedding Attendees
Once you realize you have to postpone your wedding, contact all of your attendees (if you haven’t done so already). Even if you don’t have a rescheduled date yet, try your best to keep all of your friends and family in the loop. It’s better to communicate with your attendees now than to spring the news on them last minute.